School Wellness Program

Hillman School Wellness Program-

Welcome to the Hillman School Wellness Program.  A school-based behavior and physical health program operated by the District Health Department No. 4 in collaboration with Hillman Community Schools with parent/guardian permission, conveniently located in your child’s school.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) collaborated to establish The Child and Adolescent Health Center program to increase access to basic health care for Michigan’s children, Teens, and young adults. The School Wellness Program has a strong focus on nutrition, physical activity and mental health in a confidential, non-judgmental and compassionate environment.

The school wellness model sites pair a registered nurse with a licensed mental health provider to provide clinical services, health education and referrals under the guidance of a licensed physician. The School Wellness program will provide limited services @ the two school location sites beginning 1/2/2024. The limited services will consist of health promotion, disease prevention, and education, as well as, identifying cases for management of chronic conditions. The limited services will extend until the clinic is fully open on 4/1/2024.

What is a School Wellness Program?

A Child and Adolescent Health Center Program offering

  • Nursing assessments and comprehensive needs assessment
  • Preventative care
  • Health Screening and Health Education
  • Medications administration from Standing Orders
  • Case Findings
  • Case management and care coordination for chronic conditions
  • Referrals to primary care, specialty medical services
  • Treatment for minor injuries
  • Educator to school staff in areas relevant to the School Wellness Program
  • Mental Health Care for mild to moderate severity
  • Medicaid outreach services to eligible youth and families


      School Wellness Social Worker-

                                         Hillman's School Wellness Program